Ghen ghen Round 1 Fight!!!! Toke Makinwa Vs Linda ikeji

Radio host Toke Makinwa aired her thoughts on popular blogger Linda ikeji on her radio show ‘The Morning Drive’ on Rhythm Fm.  She says and I quote: 

I don’t think Linda Ikeji is a role model. She’s a gossiper, She sells gossip’,.........‘I’m appealing to the younger generation not to take Perez Hilton or Linda Ikeji as a role model
 And as expected, linda was quick to respond toke on her blog: 
Ghen ghen, fight between Linda Ikeji and Toke Makinwa. Lol. Unfortunately I don't really know who she is...never met her...only seen her Flytime interviews. I hear she's also a radio presenter...and apparently she said on radio recently that I am not a role model...Well, she's entitled to her opinion. I have nothing against that statement...I understand where she's coming from. Some of the posts hurt people, some help people. It's the media, it's the job I chose. Like every other job, it has its advantages and disadvantageous. You win some, you lose some. I get it. I accept it.
It's time like this I almost forget who I am...but then I remember where I'm coming from and I smile. Let me tell you guys a story. Please continue...

Oya Toke tell us a lil story about yourself and let’s see who the real model is?

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