PHOTOS: My Lips Are Ugly Without This…..

 THIS is Kristina Rei who hated her “thin” lips so much she spent £4,000 on silicone jabs — and still wants more. The 22-year-old was convinced her mouth was ugly without the boosters and envied her fuller-lipped sister. So the nail technician endured 100 injections to create an enormous pout.

Kristina, whose inspiration is cartoon character Jessica Rabbit, said: “I think I look fantastic. “I loved Jessica Rabbit’s huge lips. She was my idea of the perfect woman.” Kristina, who confessed she is addicted to the boosters, now wants an even bigger pout plus elf ears a nose and a boob job.

She added: “It makes me happy. Sometimes strangers shout names at me in the street — like big lips — but I don’t care.“I want to go more extreme. I want to look like a cartoon character. I am addicted to it, I love it. “Some of my friends have told me I shouldn’t go any bigger but I’m not satisfied yet”.

“I haven’t decided how big yet but they are definitely too small at the moment.” Kristina, from St Petersburg, Russia, also told of how she was bullied at school by kids who called her ugly. She said: “They didn’t tease me because of my lips specifically — but I believed big, full lips would make me beautiful.

From the age of four I thought my lips seemed thinner than everyone else’s and I decided when I was quite young to get them enhanced.” Single Kristina — who has never had a boyfriend — had her first injection at 17 and claims it makes her feel more confident.
Each painful session costs around £40.

She said: “I know some people think I look ridiculous but I don’t care. “Sometimes I like the attention I get when people try to film me on their mobile phones.
“Some of the abuse has been hurtful — I’ve been told I look like a man but those people are idiots

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  1. You look like a freak with those fake lips. You were way WAY cuter before the injections. Even if you had a little work done, those swollen lips look totally unnatural and freaky. Getting attention is good when its for a good reason. People taking photos of you are doing it for the same reason as they would if they saw a two headed dog being walked.
