Memorise: If I had not done among them the works which none other man did they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.
John 15:24

Read: Matthew 9:14-15

Bible in one year: Joel 1-3

If you are doing anything for God, you must be in a hurry, because if you are too slow, your sacrifice, obedience or gift might become irrelevant or unacceptable in His sight. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says,

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might: for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest"

Work when you can because a day is coming when you will be unable to perform the same work here on earth.

In Matthew 9:14-15, Jesus gave a profound illustration in which He said, there was no need for the children of the Bridegroom to fast while the Bridegroom was with them, but that when the Bridegroom leaves, they will be required to fast. It takes an understanding of the value of the times you are in to exploit this. The Lord's statement clearly speaks of two scenarios - a time in which He is physically present and the other without His physical presence. In the first scenario, because of His physical presence, the Lord supported the disciples with His own faith. Anytime they had to exercise their faith and failed, He was there to help them out and make them learn from it. While He was present, they could ask almost anything they wanted. In fact, He pointed out that they had not even utilised the opportunity they had to ask in His Name (John 15:24).

The second scenario is a time without His physical presence - a time where they had to live by their own faith. Under this period, situations would resist them to a point where they may have to fast frequently. Given the same opportunity, at what period would you make your requests? - Is it when the Lord is physically present or when He is not? Would it be when grace is available or when it is not? If you have an understanding of time, you will know when to ask what. During large meetings such as the Special Holy Ghost Service, the Convention and the Holy Ghost Congress, the presence of God is awesome and available. It is wisdom to key into such programmes in order to contact the current of the Holy Spirit that is moving at such times. Unfortunately, some people remain complacent because they do not know the difference between such gatherings and smaller gatherings at their local assemblies. If you are wise, when you attend such programmes, ask all your big requests including those that appear impossible and believe, and God will answer you. Maximise God's presence that you have access to!

Key point: If you are making simple requests when God is mightily present, you undermine His ability.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional

Written byPastor E.A. Adeboye
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